Vie nocturne

Vie nocturne :
a. Bars et pubs
b. Discothèques et clubs
c. Salles de concert
d. Événements musicaux et festivals

Cras Shop Evere

Cras Shop Evere

+32 2 726 51 21

Chau. de Louvain 923, 1140 Evere, Belgium

Lun-Dim: 08h:00 - 20h:00

Houthandel met hout, plaatmateriaal & tuinhout | Cras In onze houthandels bieden we je een breed assortiment aan van hout, plaatmateriaal en tuinhout voor de bouw, het interieur en de tuin.

Score Brussels

Score Brussels

+32 475 31 64 31

Rue Colonel Bourg 105A, 1140 Evere, Belgium

Lun-Dim: 08h:00 - 20h:00

Score Brussels | Le nouveau pôle du son à l’image

transforma – Evere

transforma – Evere

+32 2 318 19 20

Av. Jules Bordet 13, 1140 Evere, Belgium

Lun-Dim: 08h:00 - 20h:00

Coworking spaces, Private Offices, Meeting Rooms Event Venue in Brussels- transforma bxl Are you looking for a cozy coworking space in Evere or Arts-Loi ? Visit our coworking spaces, our private offices, our event rooms and our meeting rooms

Georges Verougstraete

Georges Verougstraete

+32 2 245 13 16

Sq. Pierre Hauwaerts 18, 1140 Evere, Belgium

Lun-Dim: 08h:00 - 20h:00

Be Grand srl

Be Grand srl

+32 486 83 26 78

Rue du Bon Pasteur 62, 1140 Evere, Belgium

Lun-Dim: 08h:00 - 20h:00

Accueil – Bernard Grand